''Granito a granito haré de este blog una montaña'' // ''Granite with granite I will do this blog a mountain''

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013


What do you know about Australia 

Christmas celebrations?

1.Cricket es... 

A. Juego de mesa 
B. Juego al aire libre
C. Juego de cartas 
D. Juego colectivo ( 5-6 personas)

2. Bondi es...

A. Comida típica navideña
B. Playa típica para la celebración navideña
C. Decorado navideño con serpentina
D. Parque donde se reune la gente australiana      en navidad

3. Bush es...
A. Árbol de navidad
B. Postre típico en navidad
C. Planta típica navideña
D. Regalo ''sorpresa''

4. Melbourne es...
A. Plaza donde se cantan villancicos
B. Villancico típico
C. Restaurante en el que muchos australianos  se reúnen para la cena navideña
D. Celebración con    fuegos artificiales

5 .Daryl Lee es...
A. Persona que se encarga de cantar los    villancicos en mitad de la plaza la noche  de navidad
B.Jefe del restaurante al que acuden  muchas familias a cenar la noche de    navidad
C. Empresa navideña que se encarga del     decorado en las clalles.
D. Empresa navideña que se encarga de    hacer buenos calendarios para el              esperado día


1.Cricket is ...
A. Board game
B. Outdoor game
C. Card game
D. Team game (5-6 people)
2.Bondi is...
A. Typical food of Christmas
B. Typical beach for Christmas celebration
C. Decorated Christmas with streamer
D. Park where the Australian people meet at Chritmas
3.Bush is ...
A. Christmas Tree
B. Typical Christmas dessert
C. Typical Christmas Plant
D. '' surprise'' gift
4. Melbourne is ...
A. Square where carols are sung 
B. Typical carol
C. Restaurant in which many Australians meet for Christmas dinner
D. Celebration with fireworks

5. Daryl Lee is ...
A. Person who sing carols in the middle of the square on Christmas Eve
B. Boss of the restaurant that many families dinner on Christmas Eve dinner
C. Christmas company that decorate the streets
D. Christmas company that make good  calendars to the expected day 

10 comentarios:

  1. you have done a nice post lourdes! Good job!

  2. I really like your blog Lourdes, it's very interesting!! You have put a lot of colours, good job!

  3. I choose the options b c a a d amusing post!

  4. Your post is really good and it has excellent pictures. Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations Lourdes!! Your post is very interesting and original.

  6. Congratulations¡¡ I really like your post It´s very colourfull

  7. I think your post ir perfect!!! i don't miss anything!

  8. backgrouns is very colourful good job!!
